Is Option Trading Difficult or Easy? Finding Out the Hidden Truth of Options

Even when trading stocks or forex requires a lot of skill, trading options are indeed somewhat different. However, is option trading difficult or easy compared to other assets in the market?

Here we will discuss why we believed that options trading is neither difficult nor easy, just different from other things.

Stocks are simpler than options

If we just ignored technical analysis and price action, if we just jumped into the market and we decided to either buy or short a stock, we could say that there is a 50% chance for us to make money, right?

We could either win or lose, and that would be it. However, with options, things are quite different.

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Options are much more complex

With options, the probability of winning or losing trade is already predetermined BEFORE opening the trade.

Yes, it is as it sounds. We could know beforehand how probable is our trade to be profitable thanks to delta, one of the most important greeks in options.

We highly recommend you to take a look at this article in which we discussed how the probability works in options and why we should be selling options instead of buying them.

is option trading difficult or easy

Have you just started with options or you still find some concepts confusing?

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With the series of books Options Trading For Everyone you will learn everything you need to dominate the option market

Does that mean that options are easier?

Well, not exactly. Knowing the probability of our trade is a huge part of the process, yes. But we need to take into account the risk at which we expose ourselves.

Selling options is not the magical formula for being a millionaire because there is risk involved, to the point that, if we do not care, we could end up owing money.

Before trading options, we need to know what we are doing, so we encourage you to learn how options work. To help you, we have created a completely free Options Trading guide in which you can learn from the most basic things up to the most complex strategies.

Is option trading difficult to learn then?

It can be complex because you need to have a good understanding of the stock market before, but of course, it all depends on the time you want to invest.

As always, time is the most important asset we have, so we need to ask ourselves if options deserve our time. Would you want to know if options are for you? Take a look at this article here in which we discuss if options are worth your time or not.